b"Messenger Verse Library TThoughts surround your mind todayThe traditional week of mourning is observed for ThhaetOcapuesneGyaotue heart to grieveTehvee nS hdiavyash a n dJe bweigsihn simmediately after the sThe moment is approachingfuneral, this period includes the day of the When you will turn to leavefuneral. The mourning of the seventh day is regarded as a full day. On the Sabbath and Envision with me if you willholidays the mourners go to the synagogue, A place beyond death's gateotherwise they remain at home where morning Life goes on forever thereand evening services are conducted. A memorial And beauty never fadeslight burns in the home during the entire week.Circumstances which permit the mourners to Sickness can't gain entranceengage in their occupations should be discussed And death has lost its holdwith the Rabbi. When a funeral is held the day Tears are wiped by God's own handbefore a festival, and one hour of mourning was And no one can grow oldobserved before the festival, there is no Shivah. TThe moment that I left you here I stepped into that placeFor every burden that we bear, Prepared for me and readyfohre erveersy A s oRreraoswo,n e very care - When I stepped through the gate.There's a reason Sherrie Bradley NealFor every grief that bows the head, For every teardrop that is shed - There's a reason This isn't grief - it's havingFor every hurt, for every plight, The l aOstth teearr S widiep ed away;For every lonely, pain-racked night - MyIt's sunrise - it's the morningThere's a reason Of my eternal dayBut if we trust God as we should, All this must work out for our good. This isn't even prayingHe knows the reason. It's speaking face to face;TListening and glimpsing The wonders of His graceFor Thy faithful people, O Lord, This is the end of pleadinglifhey i sF cahitahnfgueld P, eaonpd lwe hen thehouse of this life on earth is gone,For strength to bear my pain;an eternal home is prepared.Not even pain's dark memoryWith them, O Lord, let us be Will even live againunited, knowing that neither death nor life can separate usHow did I bear the earth-lifefrom Thy love. Before I knew this rapture Of meeting face to face The one who sought me, saved me,We sorrow so and yet we know And kept me by His grace!ThhyywWilill lO B Leo Drdo nmeu st be, TO hear our prayer this dark'ning hour Our trust is all in thee. We know that in the realms above And in your gentle care Our loved one waits the happy dawn When we shall meet up there. 2/3/2021 Page 52 of 60Back to Table of Contents"