b"Messenger Verse Library AAmazing grace how sweet the sound,O beautiful for spacious skies, Thmaat zsianvge dG raa wceretch like me!Aomr earmicbae rth wea Bveesa uotf igfural i(n2,stanzas) FI once was lost but now am found,For purple mountain majesties Was blind but now I see.Above the fruited plain! America!America! T'was grace that taught my heart to fear,God shed His grace on thee, and grace my fears relieved,And crown thy good with brotherhood How precious did that grace appearFrom sea to shining sea! the hour I first believed! O beautiful for heroes provedThe Lord has promised good to me,In liberating strife His word my hope secures;Who more than self their country loved He will my shield and portion be And mercy more than life!as long as life endures.America! America!May God thy gold refineThrough many dangers, toils and snares,Till all success be noblenessI have already come, And every gain divine! `tis grace that brought me safe thus far,and grace will lead me home. Anchored in the harbor When we've been there ten thousand years, Apnochn othreed s einaothf pe eHaacer bor Ubright shining as the sun, Serenity surrounds me We've no less days to sing God's praise With each wave that is released than when we'd first begun. Calm and peaceful waters Warm embracing winds O beautiful for spacious skies,Billows blowing in life's storm Aomr earmicbae rth wea Bveesa uotf igfural i(n1,stanza)Have ceased from coming in FFor purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain!The Light of Life has guided me America! America!Making the way sure God shed His grace on thee,Anchored in this harbor And crown thy good with brotherhoodTo rest forevermore. From sea to shining sea! Sherrie Bradley Neal 2/3/2021 Page 5 of 60Back to Table of Contents"