b'Messenger Verse Library T ise There is a place, I have been told,At the time of the Crucifixion the dogwood Behyeo Gnadr adne onp oefn P graotmeTthtaei nLeedg ethnedsoizf et hoeftDhoeg owako oadnd other forest trees.aAll have been invited So strong and firm was the wood it was chosen as Where friends and loved ones waitthe timber for the Cross.It holds eternal promiseTo be thus used for such a cruel purpose greatly Of everlasting peacedistressed the tree and Jesus, nailed upon it, No pain or sorrow ever comessensed this and His gentle pity for all sorrow, said And teardrops there have ceasedto it: "Because of your regret and pity for my suffering, I make you this promise: Never again Abundant life is evidentshall the dogwood tree grow large enough to be Constant, fresh and newused for a Cross. Henceforth it shall be slender A garden of provisionsand shall be bent and twisted, and its blossoms With eternity in viewshall be in the form of a cross - two long and two short petals. The promise is awaiting A place we can abide"And in the center of the outer edge of each petal Fulfilled for all who answerthere will be nail prints. And in the center of the The call to come inside.flower, brown with rust and stained with blood, T Sherrie Bradley Nealwill be a crown of thorns - so that all who see it will remember it was upon a dogwood tree that I was crucified, and this tree shall not be mutilated Sown in the earth by skillful handsnor destroyed but cherished and protected as a Brhoeu Hghatr vfoerstthby sun and storm,reminder of my agony and death upon the Cross." Destined for a harvest dayThe Light of Dawn Fulfilled when ripe grain forms. The Light of Dawn Golden wheat in sheaves prepared For winter that will reign,The light of dawn The story of the life of mancomes breaking, Told by the golden grain.As darkness moves asideMade from the earth by loving handsThrough each Through heat and rain prepared, of lifes seasons To face the joys and storms of lifeSunrise still abides And treasured moments shared. Winter, summer, autumn, When at last the harvest comes Bring pallettes As the fields receive the dew,of golden beams A life well lived leaves legacy The Master\'s plan in view.Sunny rays warm the earth T Sherrie Bradley NealAnd light the way,it seemsThe honor which you conferred upon by acting as pahlelb Heaorneor ri so gf rBaeteafruellryacknowledged and deeply appreciated2/3/2021 Page 50 of 60Back to Table of Contents'