b'Messenger Verse Library OOne who loses by death one of his next to kinOh, Seor, hazme un instrumento de Tu Paz . fonr awnh o mJe wheis ihsbound to observe mourning isProanydeer h oafy S oadiniot,Fqruaen lcleivs eo yf oA sesl iAsmi -o Srp. anish Dtermed ONAN from the time death occurred untilDonde haya ofensa, que lleve yo el Perdn. after the interment.An Onan is concerned onlyDonde haya discordia, que lleve yo la Unin.with funeral preparations and is exempt fromDonde haya duda, que lleve yo la Fe. observing many precepts, because of the honorDonde haya error, que lleve yo la Verdad. due to the dead and because in this most intenseDonde haya desesperacin, que lleve yo la period of grief he is in a traumatic state.Alegra. But the Onan must observe all prohibitive laws,Donde haya tinieblas, que lleve yo la Luz. be they even enforceable only by RabbinicOh, Maestro, haced que yo no busque tanto serenactment.consolado, sino consolar; ser comprendido, sino comprender; ser amado, como amar. I close my eyes and wish Porque es:Dando , que se recibe; Oonre j uMsot roen eD mayo re day, Perdonando, que se es perdonado; FTo see you one more time, Muriendo, que se resucita a la Vida Eterna. And ask you to stay. O Id hold you in my arms She always leaned to watch for us, Long enough to let you know, anuxri oDuesp iaf wrtee dw Meroet lhaeter,Just what you meant to me in winter by the window, And how much I love you so. in summer by the gate. And though we mocked her tenderly, You are always in my dreams who had such foolish care, But I want to hug you for real. the long way home would seem more safe, I wish heaven could give you back. because she waited there. That is exactly how I feel. Her thoughts were all so full of us, she never could forget, Just one more day with you, and so I think that where she is Id share a part of my soul. she must be watching yet, Id tell you how I love you waiting til we come to her, And then Id let you go.anxious if we are late, Deborah J Birdoeswatching from Heavens window leaning from Heavens gate.Reconoce, Seor, tu criatura, obra noSeen dtieonsecsee-x Stpraanoiss,h s ino tuya, Dios nico,dvivo y verdadero, porque no hay otroDios ms que t, y nadie te iguala en lasobras. Haz, Seor, que tu dulce presenciale llene el alma de alegria; Olvida susiniquidades pasadas y los extravios a quefu arrastrada por sus pasiones; porque ancuando pec no ha renunciado a la f del padre,del Hijo y del Espiritu Santo, sino que haconservado el celo del Seor y adorado fielmentea Dios, creador de todas las cosas. Amn.2/3/2021 Page 34 of 60Back to Table of Contents'