b'Messenger Verse Library PO Mother of perpetual help, grant that IBut our citizenship is in mearyp eevteura iln Hveolkpeyour most powerfulPheailvipenp.i Aannsd3w:2e 0e-a2g1erly await Hname, which is the safeguard of thea Savior from there, the Lordloving and the salvation of the dying.Jesus Christ, who, by theO Purest Mary!O Sweetest Mary!power that enables Him toLet your name henceforth be ere on mybring everything under His lips.Delay not, O blessed lady!Tocontrol, will transform our help me whenever I call on you, for inlowly bodies so that they willall my temptations, in all my needs, Ibe like his glorious body. shall never cease to call on you.EverP - Philippians 3:20-21 repeating your sacred name, Mary!Mary!O what consolation, what The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want, sweetness, what confidence, whatHoisl iccoem Offfiortcienrg sh 2an3drd r ePdsuaclemsfear to naught; emotion fills my soul when I utter yourHe makes me walk through streets of crime, sacred name or even only think of you.But He gives me courage But I will not be content with merelyand peace of mind. uttering your name, let my love for youHe leads me by still waters in the path I trod, prompt me ever to hail you,And he says in Romans I\'m a Mother of Perpetual Help."minister of God," He leads me in righteousness as He restores my soul, Petals of hope adorning lifes garden For His name\'s sake He keeps me whole. Pw When I walk through death\'s valley, a etaaitlsin ogftHheo psuens warm embraceThe storms of life blow right up to the door, breaking open the treasure I will fear no evil, for He comforts me more; releasing the fragrance of faithFor Thou art with me every step of the way, As thy rod and thy staff protect me each day. Costly perfume hidden deep in each blossom He prepares a table, especially for me, made richer by sorrow and tears As I work daily among life\'s enemies; Only released when the flower is broken He gives me authority to uphold the law, and the promise of faith is made clear And He anoints my position in the midst of it all. Sweet smelling savor, arising to HeavenSurely goodness and mercy shall follow me, surrounding eternitys throne Each day of my life through eternity; Soft breezes will carry the fragrance foreverAs I long to hear Him say, "Well done" Released by the petals of hope.When I lay down my life, P- July 27, 2001 Sherrie Bradley Nealmy badge and my gun. That at the name of Jesus everyknheilei pshpoiaunldsb2o:1w0, -o1f1 t hings inheaven, and things in earth,and things under the earth;And that every tongue shouldconfess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. - Philippians 2:10-11 2/3/2021 Page 36 of 60Back to Table of Contents'