b'Messenger Verse LibraryThe earth is the Lord\'s, and the fullness thereof;In the dark night of sorrow, Phsael wmo XrlXdI, Va nd they that dwell therein.Raemaceh ai nbgri gthhetaSnhdo rloev ing light, T cFor he hath founded it upon the seas,the Beautific Vision, And established it upon the floods.surpassing human sight. Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in his holy place?I heard the Master calling He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart;lovingly, upon the shore, Who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity,"Come, let down the net of life Nor sworn deceitfully.that I may give you more." He shall receive the blessing from the Lord. And righteousness from the God of his salvation.There was no death, my darling, for my immortal soul just reached my destination,In everybodys gardenfor heaven was my goal. R aliitntlbe orwainsmEnudstfall. aOr lifes sweetest, fairest flowers wouldnt grow and bloom at all.Most merciful Father, we commend our And though the clouds hang heavy,Reepsaurrtreedc itniotonyPoruary hearnds.We are filled dso heavy oh my friend,with the sure hope that our departed will Im sure that God who sends the showersrise again on the last day with all who will send the rainbows end.have died in Christ. R n QuoteWe thank you for all the good things youhave given during our departed\'s earthly life. Every natural fact is a symbolO Father, in your great mercy,ofa slopmh eW saplidriotu Eaml fearcst.oaccept our prayer that theR - Ralph Waldo EmersonGates of Paradise may be opened for your servant.In our turn, may we too be comforted by the word of faith What is a soul?until we greet Christ in glory and areIta\'sy l iCkhe aerlelecstr Qicuitoyte.1united with You and our departed. We don\'t know what it is,Through Christ our Lord, Amen. But it\'s a force that can light up a room.R- Ray CharlesBlessed are the dead which die ine tvheel aLtoirodn f 1ro4m:1 h3enceforth: There\'s nothing written in the Bible,Yea, saith the Spirit,Rlady o Crh Naerwle sT eQsutaomtee 2n t, that says,that they may rest from their labors; O"If you believe in me, you ain\'t gonnaand their works do follow them. have no troubles."R - Revelation 14:13 - Ray Charles After this I heard what soundedlikeev ethlaet riooanr 1 o9f :a1 great multitudein Heaven shouting; Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God. 2/3/2021 Page 41 of 60- Revelation 19:1Back to Table of Contents'