b'Messenger Verse LibraryBaseball is a lot like life. Its a day-to-dayA beautiful spirit endures Bxaissetebnaclel ,Q fuulol toefups and downs. You make theBheraouutgihfu ml Sapnyir tirtansformations, e tmost of your opportunities in baseball as you doand carries with it a patientin life. endurance a perseverance of-Ernie Harwellthe soul that stands the test of time. The color of our lives do notfade, but grow brighter with My time has come, but dont grieve for me.every changing season. BeFsraefeel y home where I have strived to be.BIm My life has been full and I have loved so much, Believe and trust. Through stars and suns, especially warm smiles and a gentle babys touch.Therlioeuvgeh & li fTer aunsdtdeath, through soul and sense, But nothing as valuable as loving so manyHis wise, paternal purpose runs; in days of want and days when there was plenty.The darkness of His providence Is star-lit with benign intents. Some days will be tough, but those will pass soonI know He is, and what He is, enough.Whose one great purpose is the good Remember each persons good and where theyOf all. I rest my soul on His once stood.Immortal Love and Fatherhood; And trust Him, as His children should. Our past creates the future, brighter than today. John Greenleaf Whittier Keep up the fight, for we will meet again someday. In a place that is brighter, one fit for a fighter.We sat beside your bedside, Be faithful and strong, as life comes along.Buers ihdeea rYtos uwre Bree dcrsuidsheed and sore, oSo you too can be free, one day just like me!we did our best to the end, -Heather Garman`til we could do no more. In tears we watched you sinking we watched you fade away, Do not look forward in fear to theand though our hearts were breaking, Bhea antg Pese ianc eli fe; rather look to them withwe knew you could not stay. cfull hope that as they arise.God, whoseYou left some aching hearts, very own you are, will lead you safelythat loved you most sincere; through all things; and when you cannotwe never shall and never will ever stand it, God will carry you in His arms.forget you, father dear. Do not fear what may happen tomorrow, the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you then and every day.He will either shield you from suffering, or will give you unfailing strength to bear it.Be at peace and put aside all anxious thoughtsand imaginations. St. Francis DeSales 2/3/2021 Page 7 of 60Back to Table of Contents'