224 x 1024 (reduced in code of 298 x 1366 image)
To embed this banner ad on your website, your web developer will need the following code: https://thumbies.com/ target="_blank">https://www.messengerstationery.com/iframe_thumbies frameborder="0" height="224" width="1024" scrolling="no" title="Thumbies">
112 x 512 (reduced in code of 298 x 1366 image)
To embed this banner ad on your website, your web developer will need the following code: https://thumbies.com/ target="_blank">https://www.messengerstationery.com/iframe_thumbies frameborder="0" height="112" width="512" scrolling="no" title="Thumbies">
270 x 340 (vertical image)
To embed this banner ad on your website, your web developer will need the following code: https://thumbies.com/ target="_blank">https://www.messengerstationery.com/iframe_thumbies frameborder="0" height="340" width="270" scrolling="no" title="Thumbies">
Need a different size or format? We are happy to help! Please contact your Messenger Sales Representative or email us at marketing@messengerllc.com and we'll get right back to you.