b'meaningful and comforting art Signature SERVICEfor families when theyDISPLAY PORTRAITneed it most ROSARIESMessenger takes great pride in producing meaningful stationery products that families can connect with on an emotional level.Thats why many of our stationery seriesfeature the artwork of well-known artistssuch as Thomas Kinkade, Rick Kelley,Marjolein Bastin, Bonnie Mohr, Lisa Audit, Danny Hahlbohm and many others.Each artist has their ownCROSSES/CRUCIFIXESunique inspiration,EZ MOUNTvision and style,Photo Display Systemwhich is beautifully conveyed in their work I love the artist Marjolein Bastin and I was so excited to have and provides meaning to families when enhance your ser vicestationery to provide to my families with her unique style. they need it most.I cant begin to describe how much richer I feel for providingsuchgreat quality products to my families.I have hadgreat success with your products and familiesVictoria Leeanne ByersASSISTANCE GUIDESchoosing to use them. Byers Funeral Home South Mountain OntarioPRESENTATION FOLDERS HONORARIUM CARDS PAPER TOTE BAGS Marjolein Bastin10 Visit www.messengerstationery.com for complete catalog. EVERY DAY SERVICE ITEMS 39'