b'Upgrade your mpact WE ARE HERE FOR YOUi to help youMEMORIAL SERVICE FOLDERS connectand make an with and provide ongoing support to the families you serve throughout the year with Aftercare and Holiday Remembrance items. These can be purchased as you need them or select one of our convenient bulk ship services where we take care of shipping them to your families on your behalf. AFTERCARE HAS NEVER BEEN THIS EASY!If you make one change this year, consider upgrading your memorial serviceCUSTOMIZED INSERT CARDfolders to stand out from other funeral homes and make a BIG impact within Bulk Ship Service includes custom your community.insert card with gift to familyWe offer a vast collection of memorial service folder styles that can enhanceyour brand and the impact you have on your community. E SSENG EM R ASK ABOUT OUR BULK SHIP SERVICELET US SHIP TO YOUR FAMILIES12 WE ARE HERE FOR YOU MAIL S VIC E 37ERVisit www.messengerstationery.com for complete catalog. EVERY DAY SOLUTIONS'