Cremation Urn Catalog

12 A1000 Adult LoveHeart™ Alloy 95”H 225 cu in P1000 Medium LoveHeart™ Alloy 5”H 30 cu in K1000 Keepsake LoveHeart™ Alloy 225”H 3 cu in We never lose the ones we love, for even though they’ve gone, within the hearts of those who care, their memory lingers on . . . LoveHeart™ Matching token urns are available. Please refer to page 39. A1040 Wings of Hope, Lavender Top Plate Brass/Bottom Alloy 85”H 200 cu in A1041 Wings of Hope, Blue Top Plate Brass/Bottom Alloy 85”H 200 cu in A1042 Wings of Hope, Pearl Top Plate Brass/Bottom Alloy 85”H 200 cu in Premium Metal Urns