Verses Poems and Prayers

7 | P a g e Table of Contents 23rd Psalm - Spanish EE lnSl euñgoa rr eess dme i dpeal si ct aodr ;ons apdaas tmo se mf ael t ahraar.a y a c e r ; jCuonnt foo ar t aa gr au ams i dael mr eap; ogsuoi amr aemp ea spt oo rr es ae rnad. a s d e jAuusnt iqcui aepaonrdaemeonrvdael l es ud en os ommbbr er.a d e m ue r t e , npoortqeumeetrue emstaalraalsguconnom; igo; tu vara y tu cAadyeardeoz amr aesi nmf eusnaddi realna natlei ednet om. i e n p r e s e n c i a dmei mcaibseaznagcuosntiaadceoirtees: muni gciosptea esta rebosando. Cs ei egrutiarma ne nt ot ed oesl bl oi es nd iya lsadme ims ei rvi ci doar :d i a m e y en la casa de Jehova morare por largos dias. A Psalm of David TI shheaLllonrodtiswmanyt.shepherd: Hi negmr eaekne pt ha smt uerteos ;l i e d o w n Hb eesliedaedsettihl l mw aet e r s . HHee lreeasdtoertehtmh me iynstohuel;paths of righteousness fYoeraH, tihs onuagmh eI' swsaal kk et.h r o u g h t h e vI awl liel lyf eoaf rt hneo sehvai ld, o w o f d e a t h , FT oh ry Tr oh do ua na dr t Twhiyt hs tma fef ;, tThheoyucporme pfoarrtems tea. t a b l e b ef o r e m e iTnhtohue hparsets ae nn oc ei not ef dmmi nye he enaedmwi eist ;h o i l ; mS uyr ec luypgrouondnneetshs oavnedr .m e r c y sahl latlhl ef odl laoyws omf em y l i f e ; Ai nntdh eI shhoaul ls ed wo fe tl hl e L o r d forever. Colossians 1:16-17 Ft hoart bayr eh ii mn hwe ea rvee na ,l latnhdi ntghsa tc raeraetiend e, a r t h , vo irs di bolme ai nnido ni ns v, oi sri bplrei,nwc ihpeatlhi tei er st,hoery pboewt ehrrso:n e s , Aanlldthhiengiss bweeforreecarellattheidngbsy, hanimd ,baynd for him: him all things consist. - Colossians 1:16-17 Colossians 1:5 Fuoprfothreyhouopine wHehaicvhenis, laid wt hheewr eo rodf yoef thheea rt rdubt he f o r e i n of the gospel. - Colossians 1:5 Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Tf ohreerveeirsyaatci mt i vei tfyo ru envdeerrytthhei nhgeaanv de nas :s e a s o n aa tt ii mm ee tt oo bp el abnot rann da nadt iamt iemt oe ut op dr oi eo, t , aa ttii mmee ttoo ktei lalradnodwantiamned taothi meael,to bu i ld, aa tt ii mm ee tt oo wmeoeupr na na dn da at i tmi me et ot ol aduagnhc, e , aa nt idmaet it mo se ctaot tgeart hs teorntehse m , at ot irme fer at ionefmr obmr aecme abnr adcai ntgi m, e aa tt ii mm ee tt oo skeeaerpc ha nadn da tai mt i me teot tohgr iovwe ua pw, a y , aa tt ii mm ee tt oo tbeea sr i al enndt aa nt idmae t ti omme teon ds p, e a k , aa tt ii mm ee tf oo rl owvaer aanndd aa tti immee tfoo hr apteea, c e . - Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Verses