Verses Poems and Prayers

67 | P a g e Table of Contents We Present This Record Tmhaayt at hl we amy se mb eo rpyr eosfetrhvee db e, wl oev ehda vdee pc oa mr t epdi l e d this book of Inscribed Memories. We present this record to you in appreciation ol of vyeoduor nceo,nwf ihdoe nwc iel lalni ndgaesr ai nt rf oi bnudt e t o y o u r remembrance throughout the years to come. We Sincerely Appreciate Wc o en fsi idnecnecree lyyoauphpar ve ec i pa tl ae ctehde i n u s . As an expression of our appreciation ol afmy oi nuart et rdums t ,epml eoar si ael ai nc cme petmt ho irsy o f your loved one. Please call if we can assist you further in any way. Respectfully, We Wish to Express Ws i necwe ries hs yt omepxapt hr eysas nodu or u r aI tpips roeuc ri apt iuornp of osre yt oo ugri vt er u s t i n u s . tdhooi nu gg hwt feu hl as ev revhi ceel p, ae nd dt oi f l ii ng hs toe n yacocuormbpulridshened, o. ur aim has been Very Respectfully, Your Comforting Expression Yofosuyrmcopmatfhoyrting expression wr eiml l eaml wbaeyrse bd ew i t h deep gratitude.. Your Comforting Ministry Ya totuhrecsoemr vf oi cret isnfgo rm i n i s t r y is gratefully acknowledged adnedeply appreciated Your Comforting Remembrance Ya nodu rkci nodml yf otrhtoi nugg hr et smaerme bdreaenpcl ye a p p r e c i a t e d Your Kind Expression Yi soduerekpilnydaepxpprreecsi as itoe nd o f s y m p a t h y abnydthgerafatemfuillylyoafcknowledged Your Kind Message Yofour Kind message of comfort for the service iasngdr da teeefpullyl yaapcpkrneoc wi a lteeddg e d Your Kindness Ya roeu mr koirneddneees ps laynadp spyrme cpi aattehdy t h a n any words of thanks can ever express. Your Ministry of Music Your ministry of music at the services for is acknowledged with sincere thanks and deep appreciation Sentiments