Verses Poems and Prayers

59 | P a g e Table of Contents Nearer, My God to Thee NNeeaarreerr,tmo yThGeoed! to Thee, ET 'heant trhaoi suegthh imt be e; a c r o s s SNtei lal raelrl , mmyy sGoondg , st ho aTl lhbeee,, NTheearreerlettotThheewe.ay appear, SAtlel pt hsautnTthoohueas evne nd ;e th m e, IAnnMg eel rsctyo gbi evcekno; n m e NNeeaarreerr,tmo yThGeoed. to Thee, OC lreiafv, oi nngj ot hyef uslkwy ,i n g SUupnw, amrodoInf,lya,nd stars forgot, SNtei lal raelrl , mmyy sGoondg , st ho aTl lhbeee,, Nearer to Thee. Taps Df r aoymi st hdeo nl aek, eg, of nr oemt hteh seuhni l l , fArlolmis twheells,ksya.fely rest, God is nigh. T‘ nheaant hk st haen ds upnr,a‘ ni seeaftohr tohuersdt aaryss, ‘ n e a t h t h e s k y . As we go, this we know, God is nigh. Taps (2 stanzas) Dfraoymisthdeonlaek,eg,ofnroemthtehseuhnills, from the sky; All is well, safely rest, God is nigh. Thanks and praise for our days, ''nneeaatthh tthhee ssukyn., A'nsewatehgtohe stars, this we know, God is nigh. Taps – Chappius TI nh tehr ee lwa ni l dl boef ac l go ruedast teondcaaym. p m e n t AO fmoiunrgbl ionygsawn dh oa' vmeegrogni nega w a y . TT hh oe yu gahreovneerayrcthl otsheeaynadrne edairs,b a n di n g , FS ho or wt h ne soesborrarvoewa, ns hdehdonnoo rt ee da rh. e r o e s THhi setyo rhya vp ei nlsi vtehde iar lmi f ee doaf lgs l oh ri gyh, , LT ihs et ey na tr oe tmh ae rtchhui nn gd ei nr rt oh lel i snkgy, ! -- Arta Nottingham Chappius Songs