Verses Poems and Prayers

58 | P a g e Table of Contents A Song of Ascents I wFi lrlolmif t wu ph emnicneesehyaells mu nythoetlhpecmo mo ue n. t ai ns ; M y Wh ehl op mc oamd ee thhefar voemn tahnedLeoarrdt ,h . He will not suffer thy foot to be moved; B e Hh oel dt h, aHtekteheaptekt ehetpheeteh wI sirl lane ol t s l u m b e r . Doth neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper; T hTe hseu nL osrhda lilsntohtyssmhai tdeet huepeo nb yt hdya yr i, g h t h a n d . Nor the moon by night. The Lord shall keep thee from all evil; T heHLeosrhdagllukaeredpththyegyosionug lo. ut and thy c omi ng in From this time forth and forever. Amazing Grace AT hmaat zsianvgegdr aa cwe rheot wc h slwi keeemt teh! e s o u n d , IWoansc be lwi nads bl oust tnbouwt nI os ewe .a m f o u n d , T'was grace that taught my heart to fear, aHnodwgpr ar ec ec i mo uys fde iadr st hr ae tl ige rvaecde, a p p e a r the hour I first believed! The Lord has promised good to me, HH ies wwi ol lrmd ymsyhhi eol pd ea snedc up roerst i; o n b e as long as life endures. Through many dangers, toils and snares, I`thisagvreaaclerethadatybcroomueg,ht me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home. When we've been there ten thousand years, bWrei g' vhet snhoi nl eisnsg daasytshteossuinn,g G o d ' s p r a i s e than when we'd first begun. America the Beautiful (1 stanza) OF obr eaamu tbi feur l wf oarvseps aocfi og ur as i snk, i e s , FAobro vpeu rtph leefmr uoi tuendt apilna imn !a j e s t i e s AG omde sr hi cead! AHmi s egrri ac ac e! o n t h e e , AFrnodmcrsoewa ntothshyignoinogdsweait!h brotherhood America the Beautiful (2 stanzas) OF obreaamu tbi ef url wf oarvseps aocfi og ur asi snk, i e s , FAobro vpeu rtph leefmr uoi tuendt apilna imn !a j e s t i e s AG omde sr hi cead! HAims eg rr iaccae! o n t h e e , AFrnodmcrsoewa ntothshyignoinogdsweait!h brotherhood O beautiful for heroes proved IWnhliobemroatrientghsatnrisfeelf their country loved AA nmde mr i cear!cAy mmeorriec at!h a n l i f e ! MT ial lyaGl losduct hc eysgsobl de nr eofbi nl een es s And every gain divine! Songs