Verses Poems and Prayers

56 | P a g e Table of Contents The Lord’s Prayer OHua lrl oFwa tehde rbewThhoyanrtaimn eh. e ave n, TT hh yy wk i inl lg bdeo md ocnoemoen. e a r t h , aGsiviet iussinthhiseadvaeyno. ur daily bread. Aasnwd efofrogrigvieveus our trespasses, tAhnods el ewa dh ou st rneos tp ianstsoatgeami npstta ut iso. n , bf ourt tdhei nl iev ei sr tuhsef rkoi nmg de ov iml ; , aAnmdetnhe power, and the glory, forever. The Lord’s Prayer – Catholic Version OHualrloFwatehderbewThhoyanrtaimn eH; eaven, TT hh yy wk i inl lg bdeo md ocnoem e , OG inv ee aurst ht hai ss idt ai ys ionu hr edaavi el yn b. r e a d ; AAns dwfeofrogrivgeivuesthoousretrwehspoatsrseesspass against us; AB un td dl ee al idv eurs unsoftr ionmt oetveiml . pAtma tei no .n , The Lord’s Prayer – Spanish Ps aandcrtei fni cuaedsot rsoe qa ut ue ensotmá sberne . l o s c i e l o s , Vc oemn goaetnu erleci ni eol.oS, eaas íhteacmhba itéun veonl u n t a d , lDaatnieorsrha.oy nuestro pan cotidiano. Yt a pmebr idéónnnaonsoost nr ouse spterrads odneaumd oa ss , ác o m o nYuneos tnrooss mdeeutadsoerenst. e ntac ió n, m as lPíborraqnuoestudyeol mesale:l reino, y el poder, y la g A l mor é i n a, . por todos los siglos. Matthew 6:9-13 The Master’s Last Prayer -Masonic TMhyej odua yr n' selya' bs oernsddhoansec o m e . AT hnee pwa gt hu imd ea.yLbeea dt hues soanm. e , BA untetwh epsotsytl,ew, iisl lhsios oonwpna; s s , AL entout hs eprr ma ya, rHkewwi lill lblee arde aucsh, e d . To an even brighter day. Thy Faithful People Fl i of er iTs hcyh af anigt he df u, lapnedowp lhee, nO tLhoer d , ha no uest ee ronfatlhhi so ml i fee iosnperaerptahr ei sdg. o n e , Wuniitthedth, kemno, wOiLnogrtdh,altetnueisthbeer death nor life can separate us from Thy love. Thy Will Be Done WT hey swo ri lrl oOwLsoor da nmduyset tbwe ,e k n o w OOuhretarruosut risparlal yinerththeies. dark'ning hour WA nedkinnoywo ut hr agte innt lteh cearreea l m s a b o v e OWuhrelno vweed sohnael l wmaei test tuhpe thhaepr pe .y d a w n Together with the Lord La ipfeauissebuint awshtaotp'spitnogbpel, ace, atorsewsteinegt eptlearcneiatylo. ng the road Wd i fef earl el nh ta vp ea tdhisf f ae lroenngt jtohue rwn ea yy s. , Wbuet anlelvweerrme emaenatntot tsotaleya.r.n. some things, Of aur rg dr ee as tt ei nr atthi oa nn iws ea kpnl aocwe . Ff oorr ssoommee t, ht he ej oj ouur nr ne ey y' s qsul oi cwk. e r , Awned'llwclhaeimn tahegrjeoautrnreewy afirnda, lly ends, at ongde ft ihnedr ewviet rhl at hs tei nLgo rpde.a c e , Prayers