Verses Poems and Prayers

53 | P a g e Table of Contents Prayer of Saint Francis - Spanish DO ho n, Sdeeñhoar y, hoadzimo , eq uu ne li lnesvter uymo eenl tAomdoerT. u P a z . DD oo nn dd ee hh aa yy aa od fi se cnos rad, iqau, eq ul lee vl lee vy eo yeol l Pa eUrndióónn. . DD oo nn dd ee hh aa yy aa edrurdoar,, qquuee lllleevvee yyoo llaa FVee. r d a d . DAloengdríeah. aya desesperación, que lleve yo la DO ho n, Md ea ehsatyr ao ,t hi naiceebdl aqsu, qe uyeo lnl eov be uysoqluaeLtuazn. t o sceornsolado, sino consolar; sseerr caommapdroe, ncodmidoo,asminaor.comprender; PP oe rr dq ou ne aens d: Do a, nq du oe s, eq ue es spee rr de oc inbaed; o ; Muriendo, que se resucita a la Vida Eterna. Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi Loof yrdo,umr pakeeacme.e an instrument Wl e thme ree stohwe rleoivseh; a t r e d , ww hh ee rr ee tt hh ee rr ee ii ss idnoj uu br yt , pf aairtdho; n ; ww hh ee rr ee tt hh ee rr ee ii ss dd ea sr kpna iers, sh, ol ipgeh;t ; wG rhaenrtet thhaet rIemi sasyandontessos , mj ouyc. h s e e k tt oo bb ee uc onndseor lsetdo oads taos ct oo nusnodl ee ;r s t a n d ; tFoorbeit liosviendgaivsitnog ltohvaet. we receive; iatnids iint ipsairnddoyniinngg that we are pardoned that we are born to eternal life. Prayer of St. Theresa O“ULnolersds, wyohuobheacsotmsaeida:s little children, yo of uh esahvael lnn, ”ogt reanntteur si ,nwt oe tbheeske iencghdTo hme e , sbol etsos ewdaVl ki rigni nt hTehfeoroetssat ewp ist ho faThhuym b l e at on de vsei nr lgalset ihnega rr et wt haartdws , ewmh aoyl iavtet sa ti n and reignest world without end. Amen. Praying Hands Ptorathyienmg iHnadn:ds call many pictures JTehseu sP ii lng rt hi me sg agri vdienng ot hf Ga nekt hs sfeomr saanfee. p a s s a g e s tWoatshheisnegsthoonrpersa. ying at Valley Forge. Tbahtetlsea.fe return of a loved one from a field of . . . . . but, more than all of these, except the Sh aovmi oer a, nt hde lsoevhe adnodnsews , i al lncda lol ubra fcaki tmh feuml forri ei ensdos f. Ttrhibeuylwatiilolnrescall the times of trials and .a .n. dt hkeeye pw ui l sl ceavlel rt ommi ni dn fdutl ht eh at itmp er aoyfejrosya, r e answered. Look to Praying Hands each day to find the road to life and light. The Family that prays together, stays together. Resurrection Prayer Md eopsat rmt eedr ci ni ftuol yFoa ut hr ehra, nwdes .c oWmema er ne df i lol eu dr wr i si tehatghaei ns uorne thhoe pl ea st th da at yo uwr i tdhe pa lal rwt ehdo w i l l hWaevethdainedk yinouChforirsat.ll the good things you hOaFvaethgievre, ni ndyuorui nrggoreuartdmeperacryte, d's ea rthly li f e. aGcacteeps toof uPra rparda iyseer mt haayt bt he eo p e n e d f o r yb oe ucro sme frovratne td. bI ny tohuer wt uorrnd, mo f afya iwt he t o o uu nn it ti el wd we gi trhe eYtoCuharni sdt oi nu rg ldoerpy aarnt edda. r e Through Christ our Lord, Amen. Prayers