Verses Poems and Prayers

50 | P a g e Table of Contents Our Father – Spanish Ps aandcrtei fni cuaedsot rsoe qa ut ue ensotmá sberne . l o s c i e l o s , Vc oemn goaetnu er leci ni eol .oS, eaas íhteacmhba i téun veonl ul an tt ai edr, r a . DY apneor sd óh no ay nnous ens ut reos tpraans dc oe tui dd iaasn, oc o. m o tnaume sbtiréons ndoesuodt or or es sp. e r d o n a m o s á Ylíbnroannooss dmeel tmasale:n tentación, mas Pg loorrqi au,eptourytooedso se ll or es isniog,l oyse. l p o d e r , y l a Amén. Nurse’s Prayer ADlimvinigehhtyeaGloedr ,of all, grant me, ya no ud rc ho aunr adgme ai ind me ny, sc tarlel innggt. h Ganivdeutnodmeryshtaenadrtincgo.mpassion Ganivdetteonmdeyrnheasnsd. sGsivkeillto my mind knowledge aEnspdewciiasldlyo,md.ear Lord, hp eulrpp omsee aolfwmayysvtooc ar etimo ne,mb e r t h e t r u e tthoatthoefwseelafkleassndsedrivsibcaerarnindgdedication in body and spirit. O Divine Master OI m’ Daiyv innoet Ms oa smt eurc hg rsaenetkt h a t TT oo bb ee cuonndseorlsetdo oads taos ct oo nusnodl ee ;r s t a n d TI toi sbien l go ivvei dn ,gatshtaot lwo ve er;efcoeri v e d IAtries pinarpdaorndeodning that we TItoiseitnerdnyailnlgifeth. at we are born O Gentlest Heart of Jesus Oe vGe er nptrleesset nhteianr tthoef JBelseusss,ed S a c ra me nt , et hvee rp cooonr scuamp tei dv ewsiot hu l bs ui nr nPi un rggl aotvoer yf o r hsearvveamnte. rcy on the soul of Thy departed Bd reonpost osfeTv he ryePirne Tc ihoyu sj uBdlgomo de nf at lbl uu tp loent st ho em e dS ae vv ioour rsi ne ng df l at hme easn, ga en lds dt oo cTohnoduu Oc t mt heyr c i f u l dliegphat ratneddpseearvcaen. At mtoeanp. lace of refreshment, Mt h ar yo ut hg he st ho eu lms oe rf cayl l ot fh Ge of adi trhefsut l i dn eppeaarct e, . Amen O Most Amiable Protector Oo f mP aods tu aa ,mwi ahbaltewpor or tthe yc tgoirf ,t Scaainn tI Ap onst hs iobnl yy , ot hf faetri st oo sf hwoowr tmh yt ogyr aotui ,t uBduet ?I Iohf faevreynoout ahlilnogf tehseteem in which you are continuously held tyhoruoughout the world, and all the miracles htoavtheofsileleodutthsiedcehiutsrcfohledv. Aenll ttohethsee, benefit ah du mm ibrlaebtlhe aSnaki ns tf oArnet hv eo rnyyt, hpi lnega st oe Ge xopdr tehses m y FthaethSeorn, and the Holy Spirit, and to the Most BAlmesesne.d Virgin Mary through endless ages. On Eagle’s Wings AonndeaHgelew'silwl rinagisse, you up btheearbryeoauthonof dawn, Ml i kaek tehyeosuu tno, s h i n e aonf dHihsohldanydo.u in the palm Prayers