49 | P a g e Table of Contents Incline Thine Ear Iunnctloi noeuTr hpi rnaey ee ar sr ,, O L o r d , wT hheeer et oi nswh oewh uTmh yb lmy eprrcayy uwphoonmt hTehsoouuhl aosf tT h y s e r v a n t , ct hoamt mThaonud ewdotuol dpsatsps loaucte ohfi mt h is w o r l d iann dt hbei dr ehgiimo nboef ap epaacret aaknedr l i g h t , wC hi trhi sTt ho yu rs aLionrtds . tAhmr oeung h Memorare ROemmoesmt gbrearc.io. .us Virgin Mary tt hh aa tt na ne yv oe rn ewwa shiot kf l ne do wt on tahnyd psrooutgehc tt i tohnys ,i ni mt epr lcoersesdi otnh y h e l p wInasspilreeftduwniatihdethdi.s confidence, IOf lVyi rugni tnootfhveier,g i n s . Mb eyf oMr eo tthheere! I Ts ot atnhde, es Ii ncfouml aen; d sI nocr ar or nwaftuel,. dOe hs pMi soet nh eo rt mo f yt hpee tWi t ioornds , ba nu dt , ai nn st hwye mr me rec. y A, hme ea nr . Most Gracious Mw eo sctogmr amc ei onuds oaunrdl ol ovveidn go nFea ti hnet or , Yt hoeu sr uhraenhdosp. eWt he aatrYe of iul lreddewp ai trht e d sr iesrev aa gn at iwn .i lWl , lei kt he aYnoku Yr oS uo nf o, r a l l tl ohve egdo oo nd et hwi nh gi lse Yhoeur eg oa nv ee oa rutrh . Mf o ar eyvYeor ui nr st ehrevjaonyt opfrYaoi suerYporue s e n c e . WR ees uarsrketchtiesdt hLor or du,gAhmChe nr i.st , o u r Mourners – Jewish Yb 'ios -l -gma do- dd ai ' lvv- r' yoi sk-ikr 'a- du -- ds eahs hv 'syha' mm e- lhi c rhamb -ablo- c, h u - sde' chh, o' cl hbae-sy ey -i cs -hroon- eul ,- vb 'ay-oa--mg oe--l cohuo-nv iuz--vm' cahna k- yoe- h riv, v'im-ru O-men. Mourners – Jewish 2 Yrois--bo-rach v'yish-tab-bach, v'yis-po-ar, v'yismv ' yaims -,hva' yl -ilso-ln, as hs -' -sme he, hv 'dy' iksu- hda' -ds -hdoo, rb, 'vr i' yc hi s -haul -. l e h , Lb '' ec h- loo- ms oi nv ' knoe l- cbhi ro--cmh oo -- ss oo , vd' sah- ai -- rmo i--sroo, nt ubs' ho -l - my'hoe, hv;simh'-lrou-m: Oo-mraebn-b. o min sh'may-yo v'chayOi-ms e, ho -slhe -on- luo mv ' abl ikmo'lryoi-sm- roov- ,ehl , uv 'yi ma - rau- s: eOh- ms heon-. lom, o-le-nu v'al kol yis-ro-el, v'imru: O-men. Now the Laborer’s Task is O’er NN oo ww tt hh ee lbaabtot lreedr 'asyt ai ss kp ai ss to; ' e r ; NL aonwd su pt hoen vtohyeafgaer rt haet rl as shto. r e Father, in Thy gracious keeping, Leave we now Thy servant sleeping. "Earth to earth and dust to dust," CL ea fl mt bl ey hnionwd , twhee wwaoirtdisn wt reu ss ta y ; For the resurrection day. Father, in Thy gracious keeping, Leave we now Thy servant sleeping. Prayers