38 | P a g e Table of Contents The Garden of Prayer QFruoimet ptrloaucebloef Iraemfugseafe NMoy t chri ny gb rt hi negr se Hc ai sn ehma rbmr a mc ee He lifts me to His vantage point SMuyc hp rbaeyaeurtsyaIr ci sainn gs et oe H i s h e a r i n g His grace will carry me Though I walk through valleys deep AE ancdh pvl iasci et st of i tl lheadt ws ei ct hr estopr lraocwe Gives hope for each tomorrow So I will go there often AHni sdf ol iontgsetre pt hs ei rnet ht oe hgeaarrd e n As my prayer brings Him near -- Sherrie Bradley Neal The Garden of Promise TBheyeorendisaanpolapceen, Igahtaeve been told, AWllhhearevefrbieenednsinavnidteldoved ones wait It holds eternal promise ON fo epvaeirnl aosrt isnogr rpoewa ceev e r c o m e s And teardrops there have ceased Abundant life is evident CA ognasrtdaennt , of rf epsrho va insdi onnesw With eternity in view The promise is awaiting AFuplflailcleedwfoercaalnl wabhiodeanswer The call to come inside. -- Sherrie Bradley Neal The Harvest SBor owung ihnt tf ho er tehabr yt hs bu yn saknidl l fsut lohr ma n, d s DF uelsfti il nl eeddwf ohrean hr ai prev egsrtadi na yf o r m s . Golden wheat in sheaves prepared FTohre ws tionrtye rotf ht ahte wl i if lel or ef img na,n Told by the golden grain. Made from the earth by loving hands TT ho rfoa uc eg ht hhee jaot yasnadn rda si nt opr rme sp aorf el idf ,e And treasured moments shared. When at last the harvest comes AA sl itf he ewf ieel ll dl isv reedc leei av ve et sh el e dg ae wc y, The Master's plan in view. -- Sherrie Bradley Neal The Light of Dawn The Light of Dawn The light of dawn As dcoamrkensebssremakoivnegs, aside Through each S u nor ifslei f set’ si l ls eaabsi doenss Winter, summer, autumn, of gBolrdinegn pbaelalmettses Sunny rays warm the earth it seAenmdslight the way, Poems