25 | P a g e Table of Contents Dawn DSialewnnt;church before service begins; TT hh ee ml o voemoefnat ljiutst ltebcehf oi lrde; o n e i s s u r e oTfhbeeminogmloevnetdo;f rescue from danger; TT hh ee umnoduenr tsat iannsd, it nh ge bd ee tswe rete, nt hf er i se enad; s . tTowgeotahgeerd; lovers going down the hill of life FTihrestjoLyovoef;existence. "God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame." -- Elizabeth Barrett Browning Down a Narrow Hidden Path (Peaceful Retreat) DS oouwgnh ta onuatr br oy wWhi si dd do emn' sp ea yt he AT opceoamc eef urleps tl aacwe hoifl er ebf eusgied ec a l l s Listen to the waters FT aol lgi enng tol yv ef lro mw of ou rn teani dn lsesstsede apy s Through eternity's retreat And on the far horizon OThf ethheanrveevsetr osfetthtiengwshuitnened wheat Is very nearly done As work on earth comes to a close PS ue ar rcoeuwn idl le bd ebcyotmh ep lbeet ea u t y Of eternity's retreat -- Sherrie Bradley Neal Eternal Home GS oo dt hsi as i edatrht ah t yhoeu nheaedd el edf ty. o u IMhya hv ee ayrot ui sr wmhe amt oyroi ue sk, e p t . Into the arms of Jesus IWs anlokwi n gwihnetrheeysotur eset at sy .o f g o l d Where you dwell everyday. Someday my life will be complete. EI tairst ht hIewr ei lIl wn oi l ll osne eg eyroruoaagma.i n When He gently takes me home. © Deborah J Birdoes Eternal Morning WH ehairl et ot hf el odveee, pe ne nf oi nl dgi ns hg aadl lo w s f a l l , TOhf rt ho eu gsht atrhset hg al ot rvyeai lntdh yt hfea cger,a c e Our hearts ascend. When forever from our sight, PL oa sr ds tohfeasntgaerlss, , tohne odua ry ,etyhees n i g h t , LAentdest he randaolwmsoernndi n! g r i s e , Poems