21 | P a g e Table of Contents Anchored in the Harbor AU np cohnotrheed sienat oh fe pheaarcbeo r SWeirtehnei tayc hs uwr raovuentdhsa tmi se r e l e a s e d Calm and peaceful waters WB i lal romw se mb l bo wr aicni gn gi nwl ii fned' ss s t o r m Have ceased from coming in The Light of Life has guided me MA nackhi nogr etdh ei nwtahyi sshuarreb o r To rest forevermore. -- Sherrie Bradley Neal Angel Dance TA hhearpepi ys , aj onyof iuslesionuHn eda v e n HA reea rs de tatso t dh ae nf ec ient go af lcl hairl do ruennd They are being taught by angels NK eoetpi mi neg fsotre ps awd int ehsms tuhsei cr e As it rises in the air A new song they hear playing IAtnbdanseisths eths eailrl pfeaeitnto dancing None are sick or lame With new unhindered cadence TT hh ee iyr aeryee ds aanr ce i snhgi nwi int gh bt hr iegahnt g e l s In the glory of Heaven's light -- Sherrie Bradley Neal Away ITchaant nhoet issadye, aadn!d HI ewiisl l jnuos tt as awya y ! With a cheery smile, and a wave of the hand, He has wondered into an unknown land. And left us dreaming how very fair It must be, since he lingers there. And you - O you, who the wildest yearn For the old-time step and the glad return - Think of him faring on, as dear In the love of There as the love of Here; Think of him still as the same, I say; He is not dead - he is just away! -- James Whitcomb Riley. Be Free MI ’ my tsiamf eel yh ahso mc oemwe ,hbeur et dI ohna ’vt eg sr ti er ivvee fdo trombee. . My life has been full and I have loved so mesupcehc,ially warm smiles and a gentle baby’s tBouutcnho. thing as valuable as loving so many ipnlednatyys. of want and days when there was Some days will be tough, but those will pass sRoeomneemnboeurghea. ch person’s good and where they once stood. Our past creates the future, brighter than tKoedeapyu. p the fight, for we will meet again sInoma epdlaacye. that is brighter, one fit for a fighter. BS oe yf aoiut htfouol ac na nd bs ter of rnege,, aosnlei fde acyo mj u sets lai kl oenmg .e ! -Heather Garman Poems