19 | P a g e Table of Contents A Little While - Spanish Np eor lol erneec su ét ur dcaomr aez eó nn cdaeddaodl oí ar syi gt ruiisetne tzea ,. RS oelcouhe redi ad ol aaadl eegsrcíaan, sl aa rr ius na , rl aa tsoo. n r i s a . Amui ni dqau eh amai l pi vai ratdi do amc ia du os al odr oyl omr ey hpae nd aa ,d o an loi vci oo m. Aos ís oq yu ea hs eo cr aa , tsui sn oo j coos my or eycou feurid. a m e , Py omr qi ruaec loons ur encaosrodna rr iés aa . tCoodmo sp ur es nt eddeees n, s u s c ra o t r i a to zo . nes, Solo he ido a descansar por un A Treasure for the King TT hh ee rwi ci she mmaayy bbrri ni ngg t thheei ri r wl eeaarl nt hi n, g , AA nn dd ss oo mm ee bmrai ny gbsr ti rnegntghtehi ra ng rdeha et na el tshs., WToeotfofeorwtoillthberiKnginogu; r treasures WS oe, wh ahvaet snhoawl l ewael t chhoi lfdl reeanr nbi rnign, g ? We'll bring Him hearts that love Him; WA ned' l ly bo ruinngg sHoiuml st mh aenekkfluyl spt rr ai vi si ne g, TA on db et hwe si tehsHh iaml l bf oert ahlel dt raeyass: u r e s WF oer ot hf feesret aortehgei Kf tisntgh, a t e v e n The smallest of us can bring. A True Fisherman Aa ntdr uwe hf ei srheetrhme af ni s hk naor ewbs iwt i nh ge .n Hp ley irni sgetshue pweaatrelry fionr tthhea mt eol ur ns ii vneg , c a t c h , wA as il itgi nhgt ti nwti thcehsitni l ltnheeslsi nf oe ,r eax np iebrbt llye .h e rkeeeelpseirt iwnh. Aengohoedsefiesshoenrme,an knows a ha ne dk nwohwe ns wt ohheenatdo ftoors hs oomn ee .b a c k , Abide With Me AT hb ei ddeawr ki tnhe ms s ed; ef ae sptefnasl l; sLtohred e, wv ei nt ht imd ee; a b i d e ; WH ehl pe no of tt hh ee rhheel pl pl eesrss,' of ahi laabni ddecwo mi t hf omr tes . f l e e , SEwa ritf ht 'tso j iotys sc dl oi sme , ei tbsbgsl oo ruite lsi fpea' ss sl i tatwl eadya; y ; CO hTahnogue wa nhdo dc ehcaanyg iens ta nl l oatr, oaubni ddeI ws ei teh; m e . II lfl es ahranvoe fnooe wwei itghhtth, eaen da tt ehaarnsdntoo bbiltetsesr;n e s s ; Wvichteorrey?is death's sting? Where, grave, thy IHwo lidl l tthr ieunmTphhy sctri ol l s, si f bTehf oo ur eamb iyd ec lwo si itnhgmeey.e s ; Stohitnhee tshkrioesu;gh the gloom, and point me Hvaeianvsehna'sdomwosrnflieneg; breaks and earth's In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me -- Henry Francis Lyte Afterglow It 'odbl iekae ht haep pmyeomnoer y o f m e I'd like to leave an after glow of smiles when life is done I'd like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways Of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days I'd like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun Of happy memories that I leave, when life is done. Poems