Verses Poems and Prayers

17 | P a g e Table of Contents Sacred Heart of Jesus – Spanish COohrPa izaódnossaogCr aodr aozdoen Jee sJ eússu s , s i e m p r e ps ireems epnr tee i el l ne neol Sdaegar ma door Saarcdri ae mn teenht ao c, i a l a s pt eonb pr ei es daal md da se lcaa lumt iav adse et nu es il ePruv rog, aqtuoer ihoa, fj ua lzl ge ac ri dl eo, . mNaos sdeeaj sa mq uuey aslegvuenraos agl o t a s d e tl lua mP raesc di oesvaoSr aa nd gorrea sc ayi ge annv isaotburseAl ansg e l e s , Oc ohnSdaul zv caadno ra Mu ni s leurgi ca or rddei odseos, cpaanrsao qyu pe al zo eternal. Amén. Bienaventurados los que sufren porque ellos serán consoladors. San Mateo 5:4 Sikh Verse AF asltl hbea cskp aornk st hfel yfiinrge of ruotmo fwahfilcahmteh e y c a m e , AF as l tl sh eb adcuks tu rpios ni n tgh fer os ammt eh ee aeratrht ,h RA es cwe da ve easnbdeiant itnhge uopc oe annt hme i snhgilne g, l e SAon df r toomGGOODDr ec toumr ne swahl letnh ti nh ge sr, aucnedi es rr tuhne. s u n , -- Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, 10th Guru Suffer the Little Children BdiustpwlehaesendJ,esus saw it, he was much At oncdosma ieduunnt toomt heeamn,d" Sf ourfbf ei dr tthhee ml i t tnl oe tc; h i l d r e n for of such is the kingdom of God." - Mark 10:14 The Lord’s Prayer OHua lrl oFwa tehde rbewThhoyanrtaimn eh. e ave n, TT hh yy wk i inl lg bdeo md ocnoemoen. e a r t h , aGsiviet iussinthhiseadvaeyno. ur daily bread. Aasnwd efofrogrigvieveus our trespasses, tAhnods el ewa dh ou st rneos tp ianstsoatgeami npstta ut iso. n , bf ourt tdhei nl iev ei sr tuhsef rkoi nmg de ov iml ; , aAnmdetnhe power, and the glory, forever. The Lord’s Prayer – Catholic Version OHualrloFwatehderbewThhoyanrtaimn eH; eaven, TT hh yy wk i inl lg bdeo md ocnoem e , OG inv ee aurst ht hai ss idt ai ys ionu hr edaavi el yn b. r e a d ; AAns dwfeofrogrivgeivuesthoousretrwehspoatsrseesspass against us; AB un td dl ee al idv eurs unsoftr ionmt oetveiml . pAtma tei no .n , The Lord’s Prayer – Spanish Ps aandcrtei fni cuaedsot rsoe qa ut ue ensotmá sberne . l o s c i e l o s , Vc oemn goaetnu erleci ni eol.oS, eaas íhteacmhba itéun veonl u n t a d , lDaatnieorsrha.oy nuestro pan cotidiano. Yt a pmebr idéónnnaonsoost nr ouse spterrads odneaumd oa ss , ác o m o nYuneos tnrooss mdeeutadsoerenst. e ntac ió n, m as lPíborraqnuoestudyeol mesale:l reino, y el poder, y la g A l mor é i n a, . por todos los siglos. Matthew 6:9-13 Verses