Verses Poems and Prayers

13 | P a g e Table of Contents Matthew 6:20-21 Bi nuHt se taovreenu, wp hf oerr ey omu or st he lsvaens dt rveearsmu ri ne s ddoo nnoott dbreesatrkoiyn, aanndd wstheaelr.e thieves Ft hoerrwe hy oe ruer yhoeua rr tt rweial ls ub reeailss,o . - Matthew 6:20-21 Matthew 6:9-13 TOhuirsFtahtehne,risinhohweayvoenu,should pray: hY ao lul or wk iendg bd eo mY ocuormnea, m e , Yonouerarwthillabseitdiosnine, heaven. Ga ni vde f uo sr gtiovdeauysoouurrddaei lbyt sb, r e a d , aAsn wd el eaalds ou sh anvoet fi no rt og itveemn potuart idoenb, t o r s . but deliver us from the evil one. - Matthew 6:9-13 Matthew 7:21-23 N'Lootrdev, Leoryrodn...e' wwihlloesnatyesr ttohem e, kt hi ne godnoemwohfohde oa ev se nt h, be uwt iol ln l y M 'o L f o a m n rd y y, w F L a o il t r l h d s e . a . r . y d w t i o d h o m w i e e s i n o n n o h t t e p h a r a v o t e p d n h a. e y s , y idnr iyvoeuor unt adme me aonnds iann yd oi un rynoaumr e nT ahme ne Ipwe ri lf lotreml l mt hae nmy pml ai ri na lcyl e, s ? ' 'yIonueevveirldkoneerws!y' ou. Away from me, - Matthew 7:21-23 Matthew 7:7 As esekk, ,aannddi ty sehsahl al lbl ef ignidv;e n y o u ; kF no ro cekv,earny do int es ht haal lt baes koeptehnreedc euinv teot hy;o u : aa nn dd thoe ht hi ma t tsheaet kkent ho cf ki nedt he t h ; it shall be opened. - Matthew 7:7 Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy Ttohleeativmeethhiasslicfoem. e for me II hh aa vv ee ff ionuigs hhet dt hteh eg oroadc ef.i g h t . INhoawv et hkeerpet itshien fsatiot hr e. f o r m e awchriochwtnhoefLroigrhdt, ethoeusrnigehstseous judge, will award me on that day. - II Timothy 4:6-7 Philippians 2:10-11 Tk nh ea et as th tohuel dn ab mo we , oof f J tehs iunsg es vi ne r y ha ne ad vtehni n, ag ns du nt hdienrgtshien eeaarrtthh;, Ac onndf et hs sa tt heavte Jreys tuosnCghurei ssthios uLl od r d , to the glory of God the Father. - Philippians 2:10-11 Philippians 3:20-21 BHue ta voeunr . cAi tni zdewn sehei pa gies rilny a w a i t aJeSsauvsiCohr rf risotm, wthhoe,rbe ,ytthheeLo rd pb roiwn ge re tvhear ty tehnianbgl eusn Hd ei mr Ht oi s cl oown tl yr obl ,owd iiel lst sr oa nt shfaotrtmh eoyuwr i l l be like his glorious body. - Philippians 3:20-21 Verses