Verses Poems and Prayers

12 | P a g e Table of Contents Mark 14:23 Aannddwhehetonohkethhaedcugpiv,en thanks, ha ne dg at hveeyi tatlol dt hr aenmk: o f i t . - Mark 14:23 Matthew 10:32 WI whiol leavles ro aacckknnoowwlleeddggees tmh eemb ebfeofroer eo t h e r s , my Father in Heaven. - Matthew 10:32 Matthew 11:28-30 J"eCsoums esauindt,o me, all ye that labor aa nn dd Ia rwe i lhl egai vv ey yl aodue rne, s t . To fa mk eeu, fpo rmIyaymo kmeeuepkoannydoluo ,walnydi nl ehaer na r t ; aFnodr myoyuywokilel fiisnedarseys, t unto your souls. and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30 Matthew 12:50 (KJV) Fo of mr wy hFoast ho ee vr ewr hsihcahl li sdionthheeawv ei lnl , tmhoetshaemr.e is my brother, and sister, and - Matthew 12:50 Matthew 12:50 (NIV) FHoeravwehnoever does the will of my Father in is my brother and sister and mother. - Matthew 12:50 Matthew 16:19 Io fwHi lel agvi veen ;ywo uh at ht eevkeer yysoouf bt hi nedkoi nngedaormt h wy oi ul l lboeo bs eo uonnde ianr tHh ewa vi lel nb, ea lnodo swehdaitne vHeera v e n . - Matthew 16:19 Matthew 18:10 Ba ne yw oa fr et ht ehsaet lyi totul e doonne' ts . l oF oo kr Id toewl l ny oo un ti nh at th ienphr ee as ve en nc et ho ef imr ay nhgeeal sv eanr ley aFl wa t ahyesr . - Matthew 18:10 Matthew 18:14 Ewvhei nc hs oi s iitni shne ao vt et hn e, twh ai ltl oonf ey oouf rt hFeasteh e r little ones should perish. - Matthew 18:14 Matthew 19:14 Jceosmu se st oa i md , e",Laent dt hdeol int ot ltehcihnidl derretnh e m - ftoorstuhcehkaisngthdeosme."of Heaven belongs - Matthew 19:14 Matthew 23:9 Af onrdocnael li sn yo omu ra nF aytohuerr ,f awt hh ei crhuips oi nn ht heea veeanr t. h : - Matthew 23:9 Matthew 5:14-16 YAec ai tryetthhaet liisgshettoof nt haenwhoi lrl lcda. n n o t b e h i d . Na nedi thpeurt di toumndeenrlai gbhut sahcealn, d l e , bu untt oo na l al tchaantdalrees tiinc kt h; ea nhdo ui tsgei.v e th l i g h t Lt heat tytohuery l mi g ha yt ssoe es hyionuer bgeof oo dr ewmo er kn s, , and glorify your Father which is in heaven. - Matthew 5:14-16 Matthew 5:16 Ibne ftohreesoatmh ee rws , atyh,alte tt hyeoyu mr lai gyhsteseh i n e yFoatuhregroiondhdeeaevdens .and glorify your - Matthew 5:16 Verses